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Site Overview

The Site Overview is your central location to view and manage an individual site.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

The Site Overview is your central location to view and manage an individual site. What you see in the side panel will depend on the features added to the site and the status of it, for example if your site does not have membership, you will not see the membership section.

Site Overview

Next to the site, click the Overview

icon to see general information about the site.


Site Overview is not supported on Mobile sites.


To see statistics on the site performance, in the side panel, click Stats.

Site Visits

The number of total site visits is listed, with desktop and mobile visits specified, to the right. The total site visits compared to the trend from the previous time period is displayed on the graph. Select a time frame from the drop-down to see a graph of the visits to your site over time. To see more statistics, click Open Full Stats.


On the Stats card, click Engagement to see information about engagement actions being taken on your site. Only widgets installed on your site will display. You will see up to four engagements from the list below:

  • Click to Call

  • Form Submission

  • Click to Email

  • Click to Map

  • Click to Share

  • Store Order

  • Coupons

  • Click to Text

  • OpenTable Click

To see more statistics on engagement, click Open Full Stats.


If none of the above widgets are in use, the Engagement tab does not display.

Form Responses

Lists all form responses from the site. To manage and delete form responses, click Manage Responses. For more information, see Contact Form Responses.


On the Clients card, you can create new clients to the site, view their permissions, manage their access, and view the site as a client. For more information, see Client Management.

Activity Log

Displays a log of events taken as well as the date of the logged event and the user's name and email. Date and time of the events is localized based on your browser's locale.

The Activity Log displays events taken by API, account owner, team members, clients, and administrators (Maisey Support).

Up to 2000 of the most recent events will show.


Only account owners and team members will have this section. It is not included for clients.

The following event types will be displayed:

  • Created

  • Published

  • Unpublished

  • Republished

  • Domain Assigned

  • Backup Created

  • Site Restored

  • Site Reset

  • Site Transferred

  • Page Created *

  • Page Deleted*

  • CSS Updated*

  • HTML Updated*

*These events only display changes made after October 12, 2020.

*Only display changes made after December 16, 2020.

Store Operations

The Store Operations section will appear if the site has the native store (it will also appear if the Membership feature is installed).

Product Catalog

Add, edit and manage your store products. For more information, see Product Catalog and Products.


Create product categories to help store visitors find what they want to buy. For more information, see Product Categories.


View customers' orders, their details, and issue refunds. For more information, see Orders.

order example

Abandoned Carts

View your store’s abandoned carts list. For more information, see View Abandoned Carts.


Site Members

To manage the members on your site, click Site Members. To remove a member from the list, click the settings

icon next to the member, and click Remove Member. To download a list of members, click Export to CSV.

Membership Plans

Create membership plans to offer access to exclusive content on your site.

Membership Settings

To configure who can sign up for the page as a member, click Membership Settings, and select Everyone or Only people approved manually.

If you select Only people approved manually, click Member Requests Recipients to configure who receives member requests by email and are able to approve or deny them.


Site Contacts

View a list of all the identifiable visitors who had a store interaction with your site. See Site Contacts for more information.


Business info

The info entered here will show on invoices of store purchases, and is separate from the business info you added to the site's content library. For more information, see Store Business Information.

Payment gateways

Select a payment gateway here and connect it to your site to receive payments. For more information, see Payment Gateways Set Up.

Payment gateway set up screen


Choose where to ship and how much to charge for shipping at checkout. For more information, see Shipping Zones.


Set up and manage your sales taxes to ensure that you charge the right amounts. For more information, see Tax Zones and Rates.


Manage your promotions by creating discounts. For more information, see Create Discount.

eCommerce API

Endless Customizations for Building a High Volume of Stores. This feature is available on the custom plan.

Store Settings

The Store Operations section will appear if the site has the third party store. For more information, see eCommerce: Getting Started (Third Party Store).


SEO Overview

View a summary of your site's SEO state and fix issues to improve its ranking in search results. For more information, see SEO Overview Dashboard.

Page SEO

Add and manage the meta title and description tags of all your site pages in one place. To make your changes live, republish your site when you're ready.

To edit a tag for a page, click into the desired field.


  • Fields that are connected to data will be disabled.

  • Not all pages will be available here; for example, dynamic pages.

  • The SEO section will only be visible for users with SEO permissions. For more information on permissions, see Team Permissions Details and Client Permission Details

Context Menus

Actions that are available in the main context menu are:

  • Edit other languages. Will only be visible if the site has the multi language tool configured. After selecting, a dropdown menu will appear with the site’s languages.

  • Clear all pages’ tags. This action will delete all tags from all pages.

To open the main context menu, click on the three horizontal dots (

) at the top of the Page Info box.

Actions that available in the page level context menu are:

  • Generate page tags. Use AI to generate the page’s tags. For more information on generating SEO with AI, see Generate SEO Content with AI.


    Generating SEO with AI is a developing feature that is available for Account Owners and Staff on the Agency plan and above.

  • Go to page. Selecting this will open the editor to the page in a new tab.

  • Clear existing tags. This will clear the tags for the page.

To open the context menu for a specific page, click on the three horizontal dots (

) located in its row.

Navigate to Pages Info from the Editor

To navigate to Pages info from the editor:

  1. Click on Pages.

  2. Click the settings () icon for a page.

  3. Select SEO from the menu.

  4. Click All Pages’ SEO.

Image Alt text

View and manage the alt text of all the images used on your site for better SEO and accessibility. Republish your site to apply changes. For more information, see View the ALT Text for All Images.

Manage Blog

Manage your blog posts. For more information, see Manage Post Settings.

Payment Info

View your site’s current payment and billing information and manage the subscription. For more information, see Manage Site Subscription and Availability.


This option will not appear until the site is published.

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