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Client Permission Details
Client Permission Details

User permissions control the level of access that team members and clients have to the platform.

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Written by Support
Updated over 9 months ago

User permissions control the level of access that team members and clients have to the platform. Define which features individual users can and cannot access.

Clients are given access to each site individually. This means a client may have different permissions for each site assigned to them.

Select Permissions

When adding or managing a user, select the permissions you would like to grant.

Full Editing Capabilities vs. Content Editing

To allow your clients to be in full control of the content and design of your site, grant them the Full editing capabilities permission level. This allows your clients to add and manage widgets, pages and popups, change site theme, and control the settings of your site.

To allow your clients to manage the site content, but are concerned about them accidentally breaking the layout of your site, grant them the Content Editing permission level. Clients with Content Editing permissions gain limited access to editing, including text edits, and may work with the Content editor in widgets.

Manage Connected Data vs. Edit Connected Data

Connected Data permissions can be assigned in addition to Full Editing Capabilities for clients who need access to Connected Data.

To allow your client to add, edit, and use widgets with Connected Data, grant them the Manage Connected Data permission level. This includes the Content Library permission and allows the client to use and edit connected data, connect widgets, and create and disconnect dynamic pages. If the Manage Connected Data permission is revoked, the client will no longer be able to see the Connected Data icon or the option to edit connections in widgets and dynamic pages. The client will still be able to edit data in widgets with content editors. Widgets without content editors can be edited in the Content Library.

To allow your client to edit widgets with Connected Data, grant them Edit Connected Data permission level. This permission can be granted without the Content Library permission so that the client cannot edit the connections between the Content Library and the widgets using Connected Data. If the Edit Connected Data permission is revoked, the client will no longer have access to the Connected Data popup.

Edit Connected Data permission can be assigned with the Limited Editing permission instead of Full Editing. This allows the client to directly edit widgets with content editors. Widgets without content editors will have to be edited in the Content Library.

Site Comments

Providing access to the Site Comments feature allows your clients to give you specific feedback on their site. This important feature decreases confusion and allows you to have a record of client requests and how they are resolved. For more information, see Site Comments.


Some of the permissions noted in this table are dependent on other permissions. See the section Permission Dependency for details.

Stats Email

Client will receive stats emails for the site. Permission can be set to send them monthly or weekly.


Access to statistics for this site.

Site Comments

Add, edit and delete site comments.

Full Editing Capabilities

Add and manage widgets, pages and popups, edit design (includes site theme), and control site settings.

Content Editing

Edit existing widget content (limited editing).

Add Flex

Enable to add new flex templates and sections.

Content Library

Manage site Content Library including images, business info, form responses, etc.

Manage Connected Data

Add and manage widgets with Connected Data. Create and manage Dynamic Pages.

Edit Connected Data

Edit connected content from the Connected Data popup.


Manage catalog, view orders and control store settings.


Access the blog, add, edit and manage posts.

Use Apps

Use all apps which are added to a site, requires editing permissions.

Manage Free Apps

Add, remove and use free apps. Use paid apps added by other users. Requires editing permissions.

Website Personalization

Add, edit and delete website personalizations.

Site SEO

Configure SEO settings and URL redirects.

Developer Mode

Directly access HTML/CSS of the site.

AI Assistant (Custom plans only)

Enable clients to use the AI Assistant to generate content.

Connect Domain

Set or edit the domain name of this site.


Publish the site for the first time (note: this will charge the account owner), republish and unpublish.


Update the live site with all changes made in the editor.

Site Backups

Create, restore and delete backups.

Reset Site

Reset and pick a new template for an existing site.

Permission Dependency

Some permission levels have prerequisites. For example, in order for a user to have access to Site SEO, they must have access to the Edit Site permission level as well. When you select a permission, its prerequisites are automatically selected. Conversely, any dependent permissions are removed if a prerequisite permission is removed. The following are the dependencies within the permission levels:

  • Edit Site

    • Full Editing Capabilities

    • Content Editing

    • Developer Mode

    • Site SEO

    • Custom Domain

      • Republish

    • Site Backups

    • Reset Site

    • Push Notifications

    • Publish

      • Republish (requires Publish permission)

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