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Enjoy More Schema Power in the Maisey Platform
Enjoy More Schema Power in the Maisey Platform

The Maisey platform now supports schema markup for videos, blog posts and native store products.

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Written by Support
Updated over 9 months ago

We’re excited to share that the Maisey platform now supports schema markup for videos, blog posts and native store products.

What's schema, anyway?

Also known as structured data, schema is additional context search engines use to understand a page's content, so they can better show it as a rich or enhanced snippet in relevant search results. For example, we can use schema markup on a product page so Google can verify the product details like price, quantity in stock and images, then use these in Google Shopping search results.

When your site content appears in rich results, it can give it a competitive advantage and better click-through rates. We recommend running the page you enable schema on through Google’s Rich Results Test to see that Google finds them!

Easily add the necessary schema markup to site videos

You can now enter 3 new video details that together provide Google with the necessary structured data to display your videos in rich SERP results for relevant organic searches. When editing a video on your site, go to the Video Content tab and scroll down to Video Schema. Enter the video’s title, description and upload date.

Enjoy automated schema markup for blog posts

That’s right. For every new blog post you publish, the Maisey platform will automatically generate the necessary schema markup for that post, saving you the overhead and additional time you would have otherwise had to spend on this.

Native store products now get automatic schema markup, too

We want to help you focus on building and growing your client’s store and business. That’s precisely why we’re now automatically generating the schema markup for every active product in your native store catalog.

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