The Sites section of the Dashboard is the central location to view and manage all of the sites in your account. Please note that you will need to purchase a new subscription for each site. There are many features and controls here, see our overview below.
You can quickly locate a specific site by typing in the Site Name into the search box.
In order to help you quickly find the site you are looking for, this column provides a snapshot image of the mobile site. Snapshot images are refreshed every day.
Site Name
You can view the site name and the status of the site (Published, Unpublished) next to the site name. The creation date and last published date will also be shown in this area.
Unpublished Sites
You'll be able to edit, preview, reset and share your site using the options to the right of the site name. Unpublished sites will be shown with an "Unpublished" symbol next to the editing icons.
Published Sites
For published sites, you will also see the indication on the right of the editing icons. If you have added a custom domain to your published site, the name of the site on the dashboard will change to the custom domain name.